Scoping Assessment in Himachal Pradesh

According to the Scoping Assessment in Himachal Pradesh the adaptive measures need to be evolved in consultation with PRI members
in the specific agro-climatic context in below ways:

  • Participatory climate risk analysis and the identification of mitigation and adaptation actions that can be leveraged through MGNREGS
         resources (e.g. plantation, drainage improvement, check dams, waterbodies)
  • Linking disaster risks to the planning process
  • Identifying activities under relevant schemes and programmes of GPDP concerning Agriculture and allied, Water Resources and DRR,
         which has scope of CC integration and expected climate benefits (developing a glossary) including creation of resilient infrastructures
  • Use of technology for NRM related planning process
  • Integration of CC components into Gram Panchayat Development Plans. Developing (CC-Disaster) risk informed GPDP
  • Capacities at Gram Panchayat level to be developed for maintaining GIS based Database generation on groundwater level, rainfall and
         water quality for water budgeting and preparation of water security plan (esp. in drought prone areas)
  • Integration of natural resource management for long term GPDP planning
  • Capacity building on disaster resilient agriculture and water management techniques