Background information of Himachal Pradesh in Agriculture

  • HP, one of the eleven mountain states accounts 1.7% of total geographical area.
  • It is divided into four Agro-Ecological Zones, four Agro-Climatic Zones and comprises 12 districts, 172 tehsils, 78
         development blocks and 20,690 inhabited villages.
  • As per census 2011, the population of the state is 6,864,602 with population density of 123 per sq. km.
  • The state is having an agrarian economy where agriculture provides direct employment to about 70% of the
         total workers of the state.
  • Agriculture and allied sector contribute about 10% of the total GSDP of the state.
  • Out of the total geographical area of State 55.67 lakh hectare, the area of operational holdings is about 9.44
         lakh hectares and is operated by 9.57 lakh farmers.
  • The average holding size is about 0.95 hectare.