The Project is situated in the foothills of Naina Devi jee temple in District Bilaspur, in Himachal Pradesh.

Water drawn out of Anadpur Sahib hydel channel has been lifted by Changer lift irrigation scheme and distributed through 6 rising main pipelines. The scheme is expected to double cropping in an otherwise arid region of Naina Devi tehsil in Bilaspur district

Water for the project will be drawn from the Anandpur Sahib Hydel Channel through a siphon and delivered to a sump well/collection tank and the water from the sump well will be lifted by six numbers rising mains to delivery tanks placed at the highest elevations of their respective commands.

From these tanks, water is proposed to be conveyed further through gravity mains and sub-mains depending upon the area to be served by each pipe/rising main.

From the gravity mains and sub-mains water is proposed to be conveyed to field through R.C.C. pipes

Lift Irrigation Scheme -
Field Photographs