Following a broad consultation with wider stakeholders, and building on earlier work by the Rural Management and Development Department of the Government of Sikkim, ICIMOD and ACWADAM developed a comprehensive step-wise process for studying, managing, and reviving springs in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya. The six-step protocol combines hydrogeology with social sciences and community action and can be used both as a research tool for generating basic knowledge and to prepare detailed local implementation plans for spring revival.


Help identify and map springs and other water resources in your area. Collecting basic information on water resources, geology, and socioeconomic conditions associated with springs can help lay the groundwork for spring revival. Make sure to include ponds, rivers, lakes, and wetlands.

Data monitoring

Help in monitoring the status of springs in your area. Selected springs can be tracked for long-term monitoring of factors such as rainfall, spring discharge, and water quality.

Understanding social and governance systems

Identify institutions and management systems within your community to help initiate spring revival and water management. Which agencies can help you, particularly in your area?

Identification of recharge areas

Work with experts to prepare a hydrogeological conceptual model of springsheds in the community to identify recharge areas for conservation.

Implementation of recharge measures and governance protocol

Have a discussion within your community and identify members who can implement different recharge measures (structural, vegetative, and management). Consider developing and mutually agreeing to a set of rules (dos and don'ts) that will help in protecting springsheds.

Monitoring impact

How have you made impact? Did the water level of your springs increase? Did water quality improve? Did you notice an increase in water flows in the drier months after your interventions? And have you observed reduced workload and time spent fetching water?