Multilateral funds and Initiative


AF – Adaptation Fund (GEF acts as secretariat and WB as trustee)
ACCF – Africa Climate Change Fund
AREI – African Renewable Energy Initiative
AF – Adaptation Fund (GEF acts as secretariat and WB as trustee)
CAFI – Central African Forest Initiative
CBFF – Congo Basin Forest Fund (hosted by AfDB)
CDM – Clean Development Mechanism (implemented under the Kyoto Protocol)
CIF – Climate Investment Funds (implemented through WB, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
CTF – Clean Technology Fund (implemented through WB, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
FCPF – Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
FIP – Forest Investment Program (implemented through WB, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
GCCA – Global Climate Change Alliance
GCF – Green Climate Fund
GEF – Global Environment Facility
GEEREF – Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (hosted by EIB)
JI – Joint Implementation (implemented under the Kyoto Protocol)
LDCF – Least Developed Countries Fund (hosted by the GEF)
PMR – Partnership for Market Readiness
PPCR – Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (implemented through World Bank, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
SCCF – Special Climate Change Fund (hosted by the GEF)
SCF – Strategic Climate Fund (implemented through WB, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
SREP – Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program for Low Income Countries (implemented through WB, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB)
UN-REDD – United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation