Domestic Climate-Related Public Investment
In total, available estimates on domestic public expenditures on climate change in 2019-2020 amount to approximately USD 134.2 billion per year.
Further information is available in Chapter 2.3 of the fifth BA technical report.
Buildings and ISustainable Transportnfrastructure
Energy efficiency investments in buildings and infrastructure increased by 25% compared to the previous period and averaged USD 170 billion in 2019-2020.
Further information is available in Chapter 2.2.5 of the fifth BA technical report.
Energy efficiency and decarbonization investments in industry sectors, reached an annual average of USD 40 billion in 2019-2020.
Further information is available in Chapter 2.2.6 of the fifth BA technical report.
Adaptation Public Finance
Public adaptation finance averaged USD 49.3 billion per year, increasing by 65% compared to 2017-2018 estimates.
Further information is available in Chapter 2.2.9 of the fifth BA technical report.
Both Mitigaiton and Adaptation
Cross-cutting investments contributing to both climate change mitigation and adaptation were estimated at USD 17.3 billion per year.
MDB Climate Finance Attributed To Developed Countries (b)
The attribution to developed countries of MDB climate finance flows is calculated at USD 30.5 billion in 2019 and 33.2 billion in 2020.
Further information available in Chapter 2.5.2 of the fifth BA technical report.
Climate-Specific Finance Through Bilateral Regional and Other Channels
Climate-specific financial support through bilateral, regional and other channels reported on a preliminary basis by 23 Annex II Parties reached an annual average of USD 40.1 billion in 2019–2020, an increase of 6 per cent on the 2017-2018 period.
Further information available in Chapter 2.5.1 of the fifth BA technical report.
Multilateral Climate Funds
(including UNFCCC)
UNFCCC funds and Multilateral Climate Funds approved USD 2.9 billion and USD 3.5 billion for climate finance projects in 2019-2020, respectively. The annual average of USD 3.2 billion represents an increase of 21 per cent over the 2017–2018 average.
Further information available in Chapter 2.5.2 of the fifth BA technical report.
Other Private Finance Projects
CPI estimates other private investment flows from developed to developing countries amounted to 7.3 billion in 2019 and USD 9.6 billion in 2020, particularly in the energy sector for projects concerning power and heat generation.
Further information available in Chapter 2.5.4 of the fifth BA technical report.