Lift irrigation is a method of irrigation in which water is transported by using external energy through animal, fuel based or electric power using pumps or other mechanical means instead of being transported by natural flow (as in gravity-fed canal systems).


Scheme/Facility: Village Charna Devliya, G.P. Bhat Garh, Block Sangrah

This facility has been developed in Village Charna Devliya, G.P. Bhat Garh, Block Sangrah of district Sirmaur.

The salient feature of the facility are:

  • Total C.C.A. covered: 62.32 hect.
  • Family benefited: 10 Nos
  • Area of s/c families to be irrigated: 6.21 Hect.
  • Discharge :76.00 LPS
  • Sump well capacity:  76000.00 Ltr.
  • Benefit Cost Ratio: 4.31:1